The top management of Buss-SMS-Canzler
The top managers of SMS are all well experienced specialists in their fields. That is the guarantee for best state-of-the-art products adopted to the needs of our customers.

Harald Bechmann
finished his studies in process engineering in 1988. From 1988 to 1996 working for the former Buss AG in Pratteln in the field of Chemical Reaction Technologies and later Thermal Separation Technologies. Since 1997 Managing Director of Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH.

Bernd Genenger
finished his PhD in thermal separation in 1992. After several leading positions in R&D, consultancy and sales he works for SMS since 2010 and is Managing Director of Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH since 2023.

Anthony Blumberg
leads the Division Process Engineering. He finished his studies in process engineering in 2000 and works for SMS since 2003.

Siripong Gräf-Sternagel
leads the Division Engineering Process Equipment. He finished his studies in 2006 with a Bachelor of Engineering with a focus on mechanical engineering and has been working for SMS since 1997.

Achim May
leads the Division Production Process Equipment. After vocational training to metalworker, additional professional trainings and several leading positions in manufacturing he works for SMS since 2019.

Hendrik Springmann
leads the Sales Division. He finished his studies in mechanical engineering in 2003 and he holds an MBA. After several positions in sales of vacuum pumps and compressors, he joined SMS in 2014.

Alexandre Stehlin
leads the Division Drying/High Viscosity at the branch office in Pratteln since 2020. He is master of mechanical engineering and business administration and is active in plant engineering since 2005.