Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Buss-SMS-Canzler has a long history in the international business of evaporation, drying and processing of high viscous materials. This international background and the related experience motivate us to improve safety, health and environmental protection constantly. However, the growing internationalization, digitalization and the ever more complex environment are increasingly raising questions about the "right" and sustainable behavior. Our Code of Conduct is a part of our answers to these questions.
We meet the challenges from sustainability self-responsibly and in coordination with the authorities. Our engagement conforms to legal obligations, regulatory requirements and beyond that, if appropriate. This strong corporate culture of responsibility and commitment goes back a 100 years. In this environment we create value for customers, employees and stakeholders with competence and diversity, global reach and tradition form the basis. We are committed to promoting the 10 principles of the United Nation Global Compact (UNGC).
Our corporate culture is expressed in how we approach business ethics:
- We act as a good corporate citizen.
- We act respectfully towards the environment, local communities and our stakeholders.
- We conduct our business in a lawful manner in compliance with anti-trust laws. Compliance with law, rules and regulations is for us an essential.
- We see ourselves as a company with high ethical and moral standards and we act accordingly.
- For us, sustainable and responsible conduct is an important foundation in relation to business dealings with our business partners.
We therefore expect our business partners:
- To conduct their business activities with integrity, i.e. to comply with respective applicable laws, and regulations in the countries where they operate.
- To treat their employees with dignity and respect and to promote equal opportunities.
- To act in accordance with the applicable statutory standards regarding environmental protection and to seek to reduce negative impacts that their operations may cause.
- To manage production in an environmentally responsible manner.
- To tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including any payment or other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law.